How to Disconnect Sprayer Hose From Delta Faucet (And Put It Back)

Not to state the obvious but Delta has some of the finest, value for money faucets in their collection. The retractable sprayer hoses are the USP of Delta kitchen faucets.

Sometimes the presence of a sprayer hose can become troublesome for any one of the following reasons-

There are times when either the sprayer or the faucet may go rogue, and water comes through only one of them. Or there are leakages from the sprayer hose, and it needs to be replaced. Or maybe you are going to replace the sink, and want a new type of faucet, without the sprayer hose.

In this article, you are going to know exactly how to disconnect the sprayer hose from your Delta faucet by yourself. Understanding how to disconnect the sprayer hose is a breeze once you understand how the faucet-sprayer system works.

To help you grasp the process easier, let’s first learn how the sprayer hose is connected to the faucet.

The Faucet-Sprayer Hose Relationship

Let’s look at this in order.

The water supply lines to the kitchen sink are connected only to the faucet.

Linking the faucet and the sprayer head, there is a tube/hose. Through this, the water that ought to be going to the faucet comes out of the sprayer if the sprayer head is on.

The middleman, who redirects water from the faucet to the sprayer, is the little thing inside the faucet called a diverter.

And the diverter activates only when the sprayer is on!

So can you imagine what happens if the diverter breaks down? There will be no more water in one or the other of the spouts.

Also, the hose that connects the sprayer head and the faucet are usually snap-on, not threaded in. This means that leaks can develop if the snap-on loosens, or if the fit isn’t right.

That is when you need to remove the hose.

Keep an adjustable wrench and a small bucket handy, and follow the steps. You will find that disconnecting the sprayer head is easy.

But first, you need to identify what type of faucet you have.

7 Steps to Disconnect Sprayer Hose From Delta Faucet:

Based on the models, there are three main types of Delta kitchen faucets with sprayer hose:

Type 1: Center set kitchen faucet with two handles: the faucet, the hot and cold water shut-off valves, and the veggie sprayer are set in a line on the sink.

Type 2: Single handle widespread kitchen faucet: it has one handle and a separate veggie sprayer.

Type 3: Single handle pullout kitchen faucet: its faucet spout doubles as the veggie sprayer.

Identify the type that you have and follow the instructions below.

Step 1: The Basics

Shut off the water supply and drain the remaining water in the hose by running the sprayer.

Step 2: Detaching the Hose

In any of these Delta faucet types, the first thing you need to do is disconnect the sprayer hose from the outlet tube.

It is easy because this is a snap-on connection. Follow these steps:

  • Reach down below the counter and locate the outlet tube. Identify the sprayer hose that is connected to it.
  • Check whether there is a clip securing the sprayer hose to the outlet tube. If yes, unclip it and place it securely away (you need it to fasten the sprayer hose back on).
  • Place the bucket so that when you disconnect the sprayer hose, any extra water will flow to the bucket (from both the outlet tube and sprayer hose).
  • You may need to press down or pull on the connection to disconnect the sprayer hose, depending on your connection.
  • In the case of pull-out faucet type, there will be a weight placed through the sprayer hose. Remove it now.

Step 3: Removing the Sprayer Head

Now, we have to remove the sprayer head. Follow these steps for Type 1 and Type 2 of Delta Kitchen Faucets :

  • Loosen the sprayer head from the hose by turning the slide nut anti-clockwise. 
  • Remove the spray head and keep it aside.

N.B. If you have been using it for a while now, there may be mineral deposits around the threads of the sprayer head. This will make it difficult to open or turn it.

To bypass this problem, mix white vinegar and water in equal quantities and soak the sprayer head in this solution.

After half an hour or so, you will be able to take the sprayer head off the hose.

For the pullout type (Type 3), the sprayer head is also the faucet spout. Steps to follow:

  • Pull the sprayer out some way.
  • Create a loop with your sprayer’s hose so that it wouldn’t go back down the faucet neck. 
  • Check whether the sprayer is connected to the head in a snap-on/ quick release connection or a threaded in connection. 
  • If quick release connection, press on the button and disconnect the sprayer head.
  • If you have a threaded connection, use a wrench to loosen the nut and disconnect the sprayer head.

Step 4: Almost There…

Pull out the sprayer hose.

Step 5: Check for the Signs of Leaks

Check the sprayer hose for leaks and the sprayer head for corrosion. If there had been leaks, you may want to replace the sprayer hose.

Step 6: Put the Hose Back

If there is nothing wrong, put it all back together. Follow these steps:

  • Connect the hose back to the sprayer head. 
  • Put the hose through the sprayer’s hole for the Type 1 and Type 2 faucets.
  • Put the hose through the faucet’s neck for the pull out type. 
  • Make sure that the sprayer heads are completely back in place. 
  • Reach below the counter and locate the outlet tube. 
  • For the pull-out type, put the sprayer hose through the weight.
  • Connect the sprayer hose to the outlet tube.
  • If it had come with a clip, secure it. 
  • Tug a little on the sprayer hose to make sure it is secure.

Step 7: Repair (Only) If Anything Is Broken

Re-open the water supply lines. Run the faucet and the sprayer to see if there are any leaks.

If there are leaks still, (though it is very unlikely with Delta assemblies, unless their snap-on mechanism is loose), use some silicon glue on that area.

By now, you have disconnected the sprayer hose and put it back together. And you didn’t need anyone else to help you out, either!

Final Thoughts

Not all of us like to use a veggie sprayer, despite its many benefits. You may like the clean look of faucets, without the sprayer in tow. In such cases, it is advisable to buy a Delta faucet designed without the sprayer. But if you accidentally bought a model with the sprayer and can’t return it, you have two options.

If your Delta faucet came with a plug for the outlet tube, keep it like that and assemble only the faucet. If there was no plug, attach a sprayer and keep it coiled under the sink. That’s it.

You see, the tidbits of household plumbing are really fun to learn, especially when it saves money! And like you have learned here, there is no need to call a plumber to replace your sprayer hose!

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