How to Clean a Plastic Sink: Clean Stains Out of a Plastic Sink

Cleaning a plastic sink can pose certain challenges. Plastic is a durable material, but it can be porous and pick up a lot of stains over time.

Many plastic utility sinks are white or cream-colored, which makes stains that much more visible. However, maintaining a clean plastic sink is easy with a few proven methods.

Wondering how to clean black plastic sink surfaces and other plastic sinks effectively? This article hopes to answer that.

3 Methods to Clean a Plastic Sink:

There are several methods you may use to clean plastic sink. Some of these options include natural household ingredients as well as more chemical options. If one method fails to work, simply rinse your sink fully, allow it to dry, and attempt another method.

Method 1: Vinegar and Baking Soda

How it Works:

Vinegar and baking soda together create a powerful but natural fizzing reaction. The bubbling loosens stains from the surface of the sink and makes them easier to scrub away.

Vinegar also has natural cleaning and antibacterial properties that can leave your sink looking and smelling shiny and fresh.

Materials needed:

  • White vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Sponge
  • Dish detergent
  • Hot water

Step One: Sprinkle the Baking Soda

Plug the sink drain and gather your materials. Make sure your sink is dry. Sprinkle a thick layer of baking soda on the bottom and sides of the sink.

Step Two: Add the Vinegar

Pour the vinegar into the sink. Wet the sponge with vinegar and wipe down sides of sink. Be sure to mix the vinegar with the baking soda. The combination should immediately foam up. Leave alone for 30 minutes to one hour.

Step Three: Drain and Rinse

Take stopper out of sink and allow the vinegar and baking soda mixture to drain. Run hot water to rinse out any residue.

Squirt liquid dish detergent onto the sponge and wipe down the surface of the sink, including the sides. Rinse with hot water. Stains should come away easily.

Method 2: Denture Tablets

How it Works:

Denture tablets are designed to remove stains from false teeth, and can perform a similar function for plastic or acrylic sinks.

The effervescent action of the tablets releases stains from the surface of the sink over time, making them easy to wipe away. Denture tablets also contain a brightening agent that will leave a sink looking light and bright.

Materials needed:

  • Denture tablets
  • Hot water
  • Sponge
  • Liquid dish detergent

Step One: Drop in the Tablets

Plug the sink drain and gather your materials. Fill the sink with hot water and immediately drop in five to 10 denture tablets. They will begin fizzing. Allow to sit for one to two hours. For a truly deep clean, leave alone overnight.

Step Two: Wait, then Drain

Check on the sink regularly. When the fizzing has completely subsided, pull the stopper and drain the sink.

Step Three: Wipe Down with Sponge

Some residue of the denture tablets may remain on the bottom and sides of the sink. Take a wet sponge and wipe this away before it dries or crusts. The fizzing action of the denture tablets should have removed or loosened any stains that were on the sink.

Be sure to wipe these stains away as well. For a complete clean, you can also wipe the sink down with dish detergent afterward, rinse, and dry.

Method 3: Chemical Scrubs

How it Works:

If household ingredients fail to lift stains from white plastic sink, more powerful cleaning agents may be needed.

Cleansers that contain substances such as oxalic acid, bleach or calcium carbonate can quickly remove stains with some additional scrubbing.

Materials needed:

  • Store-bought cleaning agents containing ingredients such as oxalic acid, calcium carbonate or bleach
  • Non-abrasive sponge or rag
  • Hot water

Step One: Read Label and Apply Cleanser

Always read the instruction label of any cleaning agent. Do not combine cleaning agents without checking safety precautions first. Make sure your sink is dry to begin with.

If using a powdered compound, sprinkle a thick layer onto the surfaces of the sink. If using a liquid spray-on product, spray the sink thoroughly.

Step Two: Scrub, Scrub, and Scrub

Begin scrubbing with a non-abrasive sponge or rag. Stains should begin lifting away immediately. Since you will not be leaving these substances to soak, extra elbow grease is required. Continue scrubbing until you achieve the desired result.

Step Three: Rinse and Dry

Always rinse your sink with hot water after applying any chemical to it. Dry your sink afterward for a complete clean.

Read our complete guide about How to Clean Black Acrylic Sink.

The Importance of Daily Maintenance of Plastic Sinks

The best way to prevent built-up stains on your sink is daily maintenance. If you have a white colored sink, anything can cause staining over time, including hard water, soap scum, grease or food particles.

Make an effort to clean your sink each day with basic dish detergent, rinse it off, and dry with a towel.

It is also helpful to wipe down the sides and bottom of your sink after each use, if possible. If a sudden stain occurs, do not let it sit. Immediately wipe it up.

The longer a substance sits on the porous plastic surface, the more likely the stain will set permanently and become difficult to remove. If your plastic sink still has staining despite your daily efforts, a deeper clean will be needed.


With simple daily maintenance and periodic deep-cleaning, your plastic sink should stay looking like new for years to come. With these tips, you will be able to clean your plastic sink stains.

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